April 16 1990
Kenji Naoi
100 million yen
#6F Ichigo Nogisaka Building 8-11-37 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to 107-0052, Japan
Google Map
TEL:03-5411-2555 / FAX:03-5411-2550
MUFG Bank, Ltd.,
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation,
Resona Bank, Ltd.,
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.,
Shoko chukin Bank,
The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd.
Ohe Tanaka Oya law office Tsuji Kengo
Founded in 3-2-2, Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ( the capital: 10 million yen)
Relocated in 1-10-3, Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established Fukuyama branch in Fukuyama-city, Hiroshima
Became a member of BIR (
Newly established a shredding machine for producing coolant in Fukuyama area at the West Japan Works of JFE Seel Corporation
Moved Fukuyama branch and renamed it as Fukuyama office
Increased capital to 50 million yen
Increased capital to 100 million yen
Established Setouchi Office in Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture
Selected as Board Member of Iron Scrap Group by BIR
Established METz SOUTHEAST ASIA CO., LTD. (Bangkok, Thailand)
Established METZ SKY USA, INC. (New York, North America)
Relocated Tokyo head office(8-chome, 11-37 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Joined B.A.S.C. “Battery Association for Supply Chain” – Newly established affiliated organization for implementing and enhancing the international competitiveness of the battery supply chain.
Launched a specially dedicated website
Opened the presentation room at Fukuyama office